There are numerous contaminants in water that can be harmful to your health and/or your home's plumbing, fixtures, and applicances.
The Home Water Analysis Kit provides a reliable, convenient way to check your water supply for 13 contaminants and conditions. In addition, a free basic water knowledge and information book and water test results sheet are included. The EPA-based laboratory-certified kit allows you to screen for: Bacteria (see info above), Lead, Nitrates, Nitrites, Pesticides, Chlorine, Iron, Copper, pH, Alkalinity, and Hardness. Contains one test for bacteria and pesticides, and two for the rest.
A GREAT VALUE at $47.95!
1 bacteria test
1 pesticide test
2 nitrate tests
2 nitrite tests
2 iron tests
2 hardness tests
2 chlorine tests
2 copper tests
2 alkalinity tests
2 pH tests
1 lead test
1 water test results sheet
1 basic water knowledge information booklet
Easy kit with simple to follow instructions